
Agenda for CCIT Meeting, 20100216


CCIT, developers, Data Conservancy

Topics to be Addressed

The following topics needs to be addressed during the meeting.

Schedule Summary

The schedule is generally flexible except for four events requiring external coordination. These are in bold in the daily schedule, and include the overview of EOT meeting outcomes, the discussion with the EVA working group and discussion with the workflow group during Tuesday morning, and the discussion with the federated Security working group leads on Wednesday after lunch.

Note that Wednesday lunch should start early to ensure everyone is back in time for the call which starts at 1pm sharp.




Day 1 - Tuesday 16 Feb

08:00:Introductions, meeting overview, agenda edits. Project overview. Quick introduction to DataONE CI with focus on year one activities and goals. General overview of CI development progress (Dave)
08:15:Status updates for MN service (Roger), CN service (Rob), CN stack + deployment (Matt)
09:00:Update of EOT activities, outcomes from Feb 2-4 meeting. (Steph)
10:15:EVA update (Steve and Bob, via Marratech). Background information.
11:00:Workflow group update (Bertram, Marratech). Draft workflow charter.
13:00:Investigator Toolkit. Identify software components that need to be added to the investigator toolkit to support the science use case(s) of the EVA group and the Workflow group, plus any other initial use cases that need to be supported.
15:30:System user interface. Discussion about the UI to be presented as part of the DataONE infrastructure. Focus on the 0.x release, ideally progressing through 1.x. Wireframes. Information flow.
17:00:Review of day, actions, assignment

Day 2 - Wednesday 17 Feb

08:00:Overview of Data Conservancy goals, approaches and architecture (Carl)
08:35:Interoperability between DataONE and Data Conservancy (Matt moderates)
10:15:Coordinating Node implementation issues encountered and plans for next stages of development. Plans for progression through version 0.6 - 0.7.
12:55:Federated Security discussion with WG Leads (Von and Randy, remote). Draft federated security charter (1, 2),.
14:00:Identity, authentication and authorization plan for prototype and progression to version 1.x
15:30:Break Student discussions.
16:00:Logging, monitoring requirements to support metrics needed for reporting to sponsor, the system administrators and the system users. This may also touch on privacy concerns.
17:00:Review of day, actions, assignment

Day 3 - Thursday 18 Feb


Member Node deployment to support the four types of MN (Metacat, Dryad, ORNL/DAAC, CDL Water Resources / Herbarium data + images)




Member Node deployment to support the four types of MN (Metacat, Dryad, ORNL/DAAC, CDL Water Resources / Herbarium data + images).




Administration policy and procedures for CN and MN operations.

Mechanisms for node discovery. For example, a client should be able to use a single well known address to discover the locations of coordinating nodes and member nodes. Something like "cn.dataone.org"

Mechanisms for introspection. A client (and other nodes) should be able to discover interfaces and capabilities available at a particular node.

DNS operations. Currently single point of failure, no support for dynamic DNS or update by node administrators.

Assignment of responsibility for oversight of major components

Operations of the supporting infrastructure: dataone.org, trac.dataone.org, repository.dataone.org

Student project ideas (#216)




Additional discussion on implementation aspects for CNs, MNs, UI design, ITK or other topics that need further discussion.


Actions, assignment, scheduling for remainder of year.

